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Monarchio, TTM Technologies, Inc. Table 1 IPC-6012C Acceptance Testing and Frequency Plating integrity.
IPC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support IPC s volunteers in the standards and publications development process. Prior to subsequent grinding, objective evidence in the form of measurements and photographs shall be required for a minimum of 3 holes on all via structures that are inside of the 10% tolerance on the sample. When there is an largest component PTH and 1 coupon smallest PTH available, the coupon shall be used for quality conformance testing. Chris Mahanna, Robisan Laboratory Inc. Replace the 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph as follows: The production printed boards and other test coupons in the quality conformance test circuitry which contain PTHs and similar non-functional land designs shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this section. Photographs after microetch of the via structure shall be taken at the referee magnification.
It is an inspection standard that prescribes the range of the number of defective components that is considered acceptable when random sampling those components during an inspection. Rigid Printed Board Committee Chair Vicka White Honeywell Inc. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publication, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than IPC members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.
- IPC-6012C Reference Requirement as changed by this Addendum.
Standards Should: Show relationship to Design for Manufacturability DFM and Design for the Environment DFE Minimize time to market Contain simple simplified language Just include spec information Focus on end product performance Include a feedback system on use and problems for future improvement Standards Should Not: Inhibit innovation Increase time-to-market Keep people out Increase cycle time Tell you how to make something Contain anything that cannot be defended with data IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publication, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than IPC members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by IPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, IPC does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor do they assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities for patent infringement. IPC Position Statement on Specification Revision Change It is the position of IPC s Technical Activities Executive Committee that the use and implementation of IPC publications is voluntary and is part of a relationship entered into by customer and supplier. When an IPC publication is updated and a new revision is published, it is the opinion of the TAEC that the use of the new revision as part of an existing relationship is not automatic unless required by the contract. The TAEC recommends the use of the latest revision. Adopted October 6, 1998 Why is there a charge for this document? Your purchase of this document contributes to the ongoing development of new and updated industry standards and publications. Standards allow manufacturers, customers, and suppliers to understand one another better. Standards allow manufacturers greater efficiencies when they can set up their processes to meet industry standards, allowing them to offer their customers lower costs. IPC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support IPC s volunteers in the standards and publications development process. There are many rounds of drafts sent out for review and the committees spend hundreds of hours in review and development. IPC s staff attends and participates in committee activities, typesets and circulates document drafts, and follows all necessary procedures to qualify for ANSI approval. IPC s membership dues have been kept low to allow as many companies as possible to participate. Therefore, the standards and publications revenue is necessary to complement dues revenue. The price schedule offers a 50% discount to IPC members. If your company buys IPC standards and publications, why not take advantage of this and the many other benefits of IPC membership as well? Copyright IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois, USA. All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Any copying, scanning or other reproduction of these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States. Contact: IPC 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309S Bannockburn, Illinois Tel Fax 4 July 2013 IPC-6012C-TC Acknowledgment Any document involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources. While the principal members of the Test Coupon Addendum Task Group D-33ac of the Rigid Printed Board Committee D-30 are shown below, it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this standard. To each of them, the members of the IPC extend their gratitude. Rigid Printed Board Committee Chair Vicka White Honeywell Inc. Air Transport Systems Vice-Chair Debora Obitz Trace Laboratories - East Test Coupon Addendum Task Group Lance A. Auer, Raytheon Missile Systems Steven A. Bowles, Viasystems Group, Inc. Denise Chevalier, Amphenol Printed Circuits, Inc. Feistel, The Aerospace Corporation Gary M. Ferrari, FTG Circuits Lionel Fullwood, WKK Distribution Ltd. Gandhi, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Test Coupon Addendum Task Group Chair Mark Buechner BAE Systems Vice-Chair Randy R. Reed Viasystems Group, Inc. Green, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Louis Hart, Compunetics Inc. Henault, Raytheon Company Jim Holme, Kimball Electronics Nick S. Koop, TTM Technologies Karin LaBerge, KAL Consulting Jeff Lewis, Holaday Circuits Inc. Chris Mahanna, Robisan Laboratory Inc. Monarchio, TTM Technologies, Inc. Technical Liaison of the IPC Board of Directors Bob Neves Microtek Laboratories Kathleen Nargi-Toth, NCAB Group USA, Inc. Ortloff, Raytheon Company Jose A. Rios, Endicott Interconnect Technologies Inc David Sommervold, The Bergquist Company, Prescott Vicka White, Honeywell Inc. Air Transport Systems iii 5 July 2013 IPC-6012C-TC Test Coupon Addendum to IPC-6012C Qualification and formance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards 0. In the event of a conflict between this Addendum and the applicable documents cited herein, this Addendum takes precedence. Where referenced criteria of this addendum differ from the published IPC-6012C, this Addendum takes precedence Existing or Previously Approved Designs This Addendum shall not constitute the sole cause for the redesign of previously approved designs. When drawings for existing or previously approved designs undergo revision, they should be reviewed and changes made that allow for compliance with the requirements of this Addendum Use of this Addendum This addendum shall not be used as a stand-alone document. Where criteria are not supplemented by this addendum, the requirements of IPC-6012C shall apply. The performance and requirement changes or additions provided within Table 1 of this Addendum are solely compatible with IPC-2221 Appendix A conformance coupons unless otherwise stated within this Addendum. For IPC-2221 Appendix B conformance coupons, use the IPC-6012C performance and requirements sections. The addition of IPC-2221 Appendix A conformance coupons by the printed board fabricator to the production panel shall be AABUS. The clauses modified by this Addendum do not include subordinate clauses unless specifically stated i. Structural Integrity Replace the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph as follows: Although the, coupons are assigned for this test, the allowance for the usage of printed boards to establish acceptance for the product shall be AABUS. Replace the 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph as follows: The production printed boards and other test coupons in the quality conformance test circuitry which contain PTHs and similar non-functional land designs shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this section. Replace the 2nd sentence of the 4th paragraph as follows: The production printed boards or quality conformance test circuitry shall be tested after exposure to all coating, final finish, and thermal processing.. If any of the via structures are non-compliant, option A or B as shown below are not allowed. If the via structures within the 10% tolerance on the sample are compliant, do subsequent grinding and polishing of the original sample to inspect the via structures outside of the 10% tolerance. Prior to subsequent grinding, objective evidence in the form of measurements and photographs shall be required for a minimum of 3 holes on all via structures that are inside of the 10% tolerance on the sample. Measurements shall document compliance to Section. Photographs after microetch of the via structure shall be taken at the referee magnification. Preparing additional sample s for inspection. Objective evidence in the form of the sample s or measurements and photographs after microetch shall be required for a minimum of 3 holes on all via structures that are inside of the 10% tolerance on the sample s.. IPC-6012C Reference Requirement as changed by this Addendum. If the R segment of the coupon fails and the electrical evaluation is believed to be a false failure, causal evaluation may be performed on the affected coupon to determine the failure. The findings shall be dispositioned AABUS. Replace 2nd sentence of the 3rd paragraph as follows: Internal annular ring inspection shall be performed by the electrical registration pattern on the, coupon. Verification of dimensional attributes shall be in accordance with Figure 3-25 Dimension B. Internal later after etch Note 2. Internal plated layer as used for buried vias Figure 3-25 Verification of Dimensional Attributes for Conductor Width Conductor Spacing The conductor spacing shall be within the tolerance specified on the master drawing. Minimum spacing between the conductor and the edge of the printed board shall be as specified on the master drawing. If minimum spacing is not specified, the allowed reduction in the nominal conductor spacings shown in the engineering documentation due to processing shall be 20% for Class 3 and 30% for Class 1 and Class 2 minimum product spacing requirements as previously stated apply. Verification of dimensional attributes shall be in accordance with Figure 3-26 Dimension A. Copper Foil Copper Foil Figure 3-26 Verification of Dimensional Attributes for Conductor Spacing Solder Mask Cure and Adhesion Replace last sentence in the 2nd paragraph as follows: When testing for solder mask cure and adhesion in accordance with IPC-TM-650, Method , the maximum percentage of cured solder mask lifting from the SMOL checkerboard pattern on the G coupon described in Appendix A of IPC-2221 or production printed board shall be in accordance with Table When the use is specified, the test method and inspection criteria for the other segments of the G coupon not labeled as SMOL shall be AABUS Thermal Shock Insert 2nd sentence as follows: Kelvin four terminal type connectors shall be used to apply voltage and measure the resistance of the test coupons. Requirement as changed by this Addendum Acceptance Testing and Frequency PTH 7 3. Internal X External X Internal X External X or S Solderability Sample 4. Table 1 IPC-6012C Acceptance Testing and Frequency Plating integrity. Requirement as changed by this Addendum Structural Integrity After Stress Type 2 Microsection 8 Electrical Annular Ring and Breakout Internal. The, test coupons shall be taken from opposite corners of the manufacturing panel and in opposing axes one in the X axis and the other in the Y axis. Evaluation of internal annular ring may be performed by microsection if the conditions of the first sentence of. If the annular ring assessment is performed electrically, one microsection per via structure on the, test coupons shall be evaluated for structural integrity in accordance with. When there is an largest component PTH and 1 coupon smallest PTH available, the coupon shall be used for quality conformance testing. Test coupon contains the largest component PTH and land associated with that PTH than can be fitted on a 1.